Four by Eight (2021)
4' x 8' x 4 units (dimensions variable)
Galvanized corrugated steel, rebar
Is the structure too strong? Has it dominated long enough?
Can it be undone?
Can it be replaced with trees? Fresh air?
Is there wiggle room?
Can it dance?
Can it love?
A structure can be as violent as any other thing
Race was built
Gender was built
Class was built
Endlessly built with the intent to dominate, endlessly
This very land, these very trees, were once stolen and then again ravaged for lumber
This work is made with this in mind
With metal in mind
With walls and a roof in mind
With rigid structures in mind
With the hope of instability
Can it live outside of structure?
Can the material glisten?
Can it be soft?
Can it move freely?
Can it bring joy?
Can it disappear, gladly?
Land Chapters
curated by Estefania Puerta and Abbey Meaker and brings together 16 artists and writers to respond to natural environments through land-based installation, text, and sound. The show will be presented in three chapters: installations scattered on a 40 acre property in Richmond, Vermont, an artist book featuring essays, scores, photographs, and installation documentation, as well as a tape of field recordings and compositions made in response to the artists’ surroundings.
Participating artists
Sonia Louise Davis, Ivan Forde, Chief Shirly Hook, Alan Huck, Wren Kitz, Wes Larios, Travis Klunick, Angus McCullough and Ashlin Dolan, Ruben Ulises Rodriguez Montoya, Brian Raymond, Jordan Rosenow, Rachel Vera Steinberg, Lily Consuelo Saporta Tagiuri, Devin Alejandro Wilder, and Stephanie Wilson.
For more information of Land Chapters and Artist Field visit: artistfield.org